Elegant Orange And Fennel Salad

I couldn’t let another winter go by without making this classic Italian orange and fennel salad for you. It’s perfect for this time of year when both of the main ingredients are in season. I wanted to class it up (and brighten it up) a bit more this time by adding some of my favorite flavors and colors. Some deep emerald green arugula (thanks to my winter garden…yay!), some vibrant burgundy dried cranberries and then my favorite cheese ever….some soft creamy chèvre. This salad is the perfect thing to brighten up those gray winter days!

I have given quantities below for the salad that I love and feel is well balanced, but you could absolutely customize it to your liking :)

The Recipe

orange and fennel Salad with dried cranberries, arugula and Chèvre cheese

  • 1 large fennel bulb

  • 2 large oranges

  • 1/4 cup dried cranberries

  • 2 cups arugula

  • 2 to 4 oz Chèvre cheese

  • 3 Tbsps. olive oil

  • 2 Tbsps. red wine vinegar

  • 1/8 - 1/4 cup orange juice (squeezed from the leftover orange)

  • 1 tsp honey

  • salt & pepper to taste

Preparing the orange and fennel salad

  1. Slice the fennel bulb with a knife or a mandoline slicer into thin strips.

  2. Cut the oranges to get the orange segments (see pics below) by cutting off both ends and then cutting the peel away from the orange. Carefully cut the segments away from the segment wall (the white outer part of the wedge.) Set the segments aside and squeeze the juice out of the leftover orange in a measuring cup. Measure approx. 1/8 to 1/4 cups depending on how much you get.

3. To the 1/4 cup of orange juice add the red wine vinegar, olive oil, honey and salt & pepper. Mix to combine and then pour over the fennel. I like to let it sit like this for a half hour or so because I feel like the fennel softens just a bit. It isn’t necessary though so this step could be taken out if short on time.

4. When fennel is ready add in the oranges and stir carefully making sure to not break up the orange segments. Adjust the salt and pepper if desired.

5. In a serving dish layer the arugula and then the fennel and orange mixture on top. If there is leftover dressing in the bowl it can be added at the end or placed on the table for anyone who want a little more. Garnish the top of the salad with the dried cranberries, Chèvre cheese and an additional drizzle of olive oil.

Serve and Enjoy! And remember that this dish definitely goes good with wine ;)

Make my day and share, like or comment below :) Grazie!