~ Life Lemons Italy ~

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12 Delicious Italian Sayings

I have always loved sayings in English, but I must admit, I love them a million times more in Italian. I have found it delightfully romantic and lighthearted the way in which the Italians have incorporated food and wine into these saying that most of you will recognize in English. Almost as if there was nothing else in life they could compare things to. Their limitations set by their first true loves - food and wine. Below are the sayings that I have found to be the most delicious and just frankly adorable in some cases. :)

I think these sayings are very interesting and good to know if you are learning Italian, but even if you aren’t, I feel like most of us can appreciate how fun they are!

Buon Appetito!

1. Italian saying - Essere pieno come un uovo (to be full like an egg)  =  English equivalent - To be stuffed.

2. Italian saying - Essere buono come pane (to be good like bread) - English equivalent - To be as good as gold.

3. Italian saying - Avere le mani di ricotta (to have ricotta cheese hands) = English equivalent - To have butterfingeres.

4. Italian saying - Dire pane al pane e vino al vino (call bread bread and wine wine) = English equivalent - Say it like it is.

5. Italian saying - Tutto fa il brodo (it all makes the broth) = English equivalent - Every little bit helps.

6. Italian saying - Essere in un bel pasticcio (to be in a nice pie) = English equivalent - To be in a mess or to be in a pickle.

7. Italian saying - Fare una frittata (to make an omelet) = English equivalent - To make a mess of things/ to botch things up.

8. Italian saying - Essere come il prezzemolo (to be like parsley) = English equivalent - Be everywhere, turn up everywhere. Be like a bad penny.

9. Italian saying - Essere una buona forchetta (to be a good fork) = English equivalent - Have a good appetite.

10. Italian saying - Essere alla frutta (to be at the fruit) = English equivalent - To have given it all you’ve got. To not have anything left to give.

11. Italian saying - Avere la botte piena e la moglie ubriaca (to have a full barrel and a drunk wife) - English equivalent - To have your cake and eat it too.

12. Italian saying - Tutto finisce a tarallucci e vino (everything ends with biscuits and wine) = English equivalent - It will all work out in the end.

It really will all work out in the end…especially if a glass of wine is in hand :)

A presto,


P.S. In the next couple of weeks I’ll be putting together another dish of delicious Italian sayings for you to enjoy…so be on the lookout!

Make my day and share, like or comment below :) Grazie!